Albertans not as rational behind the wheel as they think: survey

Posted May 11, 2021 10:44 am.
Last Updated May 11, 2021 1:52 pm.
EDMONTON – A new survey from suggests Alberta drivers perceive themselves to be calm behind the wheel but in reality, we aren’t as patient as we think we are.
Tuns out, a lot of us have road rage.
A whopping 97 per cent of people polled admitted to aggressive driving or road-rage-like behaviour.
And 96 per cent of those respondents marked themselves as courteous drivers.
Over 80 per cent of Albertans admitted to speeding, 59 per cent confessed to swearing or making hostile hand gestures like flipping someone off, and 70 per cent said they’ve tapped on the brakes when someone is driving a little too close behind them.
Across the country, three-in-10 said they’ve thought about taking their road rage a step further by throwing something at another car, getting physical with another driver, or trying to scare another driver by following them for a while.
Drivers over the age of 35 were less likely to do something impulsive.
The poll also found men were more likely to engage in reckless behaviour than women.