Montreal aims for strategic, long-term plan to reduce homelessness

The city of Montreal, together with eight community organizations that work with the homeless, are joining forces.

“Let’s change the conversation about how we’re thinking about homelessness, about how the services are being provided,” said Heather Johnson, Director General of Projets autochtones Québec, during a joint press conference Thursday.

All partners are in agreement that a medium and long-term strategy needs to be developed.


The goal will be to invest in sustainable and highly accessible resources, open 24/7 throughout the year, safe for women and culturally adapted for Indigenous people.

“The way we’re seeing it being managed, the way the government of Quebec and the healthcare network are managing homelessness, it’s just not sustainable,” said Montreal mayor Valérie Plante. “It’s based on seasons or places or spaces during the winter, less in summer, and it doesn’t work.”

Services throughout the year

“To really think about the full continuum of services that is needed, not just between Dec. 1 and March 31, but 12 months a year, 24/7, and adapt to the specific needs of the community. Indigenous, women, that’s what our plan is calling for and why we’re here today,” added Johnson.

The city aims to invest in the development of social housing projects for homeless people with support services and community support – and increase funding for mediation and social intervention in public spaces.


The city also wants to transform some of the emergency and temporary shelters created during the pandemic, into more permanent housing.