Honouring diversity in the Canadian Armed Forces this Remembrance Day

"Our peace doesn't come for free. It's really important that we remember all those who have sacrificed their selves for Canada,” says Pakistani-Canadian Muslim soldier, Lt. Haseeb Malik from the Canadian Grenadier Guards. Fariha Naqvi-Mohamed reports

Lieutenant Haseeb Malik of the Canadian Grenadier Guards might look a little different from his peers as a Pakistani Canadian Muslim soldier. His parents immigrated to Montreal from Pakistan in the early 1990s, and he could not be prouder of his roots.

“My grandfather served in the Pakistani armed forces and historically I had family members that served as well,” said Lt. Malik. “I remember joining initially I was worried that I was going to be singled out. But again, I was welcomed with open arms.

Lieutenant Haseeb Malik and other members of the Canadian Armed Forces. (Photo Credit: Lieutenant Haseeb Malik)

“I remember once I was on operation domestically in which we were helping out with the floods and the food that was available, I was not able to eat it because there was meat and I eat halal,” he explained. “And then I remember seeing one senior member, you know, he just left and I wondered what was going on. And then he came back with, you know, halal food for me specifically. And, you know, he did he went out of his way just to do that. And I felt at that moment I knew that’s I made the right call.”

Along the way, Malik says he’s had plenty of mentors.


“The mentors I had in my life that taught me how to be both an infantry soldier and an infantry officer were the ones that deployed to Afghanistan. And again, they did this voluntarily. And for me to be at this position, I owe it all to them.”

As we near Remembrance Day, Milak stresses how important it is to honour those who fought for our rights.

“Our peace doesn’t come for free. And again, it’s really important that we remember all those who have sacrificed their selves for Canada,” he explained.

Lieutenant Haseeb Malik and other members of the Canadian Armed Forces. (Photo Credit: Lieutenant Haseeb Malik)

Lieutenant Haseeb Malik and other members of the Canadian Armed Forces. (Photo Credit: Lieutenant Haseeb Malik)

“It’s for us as Canadians to remember those who have served and those who are currently serving.”

As for advice the Lieutenant might give to children from diverse backgrounds who may be interested in a career in the army.

“I would say give it a try. It’s a great place to build character. You’re going to meet you’re going to build yourself both physically and mentally. And don’t be scared. This is Canada, our strength comes from its diversity. So they’ll be welcome with open arms. And if anything, you’re only making yourself stronger.”

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