SPVM: Gun violence down in Montreal, murders committed with firearms up

Despite an increase in murders committed with a firearm in Montreal, the SPVM is reporting a decrease of 11 per cent in overall gun violence from January to November 2022 – dropping from 196 incidents in 2021 to 175 in 2022.

Between January and November 2022, the SPVM reports 16 murders were committed with a firearm, compared to 12 in 2021, five in 2020 and six in 2019.

Attempted murders and the number of reported gunshots heard on the SPVM’s territory has gone down 14 and 13 per cent, compared to 2021.

In a press release issued by the SPVM, the police force notes that at the start of 2022 – gun violence was higher than 2021. However, as of June 2022 the numbers dropped lower than 2021.

Overall Montreal gun violence in 2022 is still higher than pre-pandemic. There were 74 reported gun violence incidents in 2019 and 175 in 2022.

The SPVM says over the last two years new initiatives have been put in place to fight gun violence, including more gun seizures, investigations, special squads and projects.

They wish to reassure the population that tackling gun violence remains top priority.

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