Pedestrian deaths up in Quebec for 2022

The number of pedestrians who were killed on Quebec roads in 2022 went up 22.7 per cent compared to the average number of pedestrian deaths between 2017 and 2021.

The Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ) made its data public on Monday and reports a total number of 392 deaths on Quebec roads in 2022 – an overall increase of 13.2 per cent compared to the average of the previous five years.

Of those, 216 were drivers of vehicles or SUVs, 79 were pedestrians, 61 were motorcyclists, and 9 were cyclists. The number of cyclist deaths decreased by 22.7 per cent compared to the average number of deaths between 2017 and 2021.


The SAAQ and Quebec’s Transport Minister calling the increase concerning and vowing to act.

“One accident is one too many! The data released today are cause for concern, particularly when it comes to pedestrian fatalities. Our government will shortly be tabling a road safety action plan. We have the firm resolve to improve safety on our roads, and we will create the tools to do so,” said Geneviève Guilbault, Deputy Premier and Minister of Transport.

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The tragic story of Mariia Legenkovska, a young Ukraining refugee who was killed in a hit-and-run on the streets of downtown Montreal in December, sparked outrage. Protests were held in front of schools and the City of Montreal put in place traffic calming measures where the girl was killed.

“Behind this rise in fatalities lie human tragedies that could have been avoided. With the collaboration of our various partners, we are working within the Pedestrian Fatalities Analysis Committee. The aim of this committee is to paint a clearer picture of the issues and target future actions to ensure pedestrian safety on our roads. By remaining vigilant about our behaviour on the road, we can ensure the safety of all,” said Éric Ducharme, President and CEO of the SAAQ.


The family of Fabienne Houde-Bastien, a pedestrian killed by a speeding vehicle on Saint-Laurent last month, also shared their pain with media calling for change to ensure their sister would be more than just a number.