Notre-Dame-des-Neiges Cemetery tentative agreement reached, but will remain closed for Father’s Day

Posted June 14, 2023 4:40 pm.
Last Updated June 15, 2023 3:46 pm.
UPDATE June 15: A tentative agreement between striking workers and management at Notre-Dame-des-Neiges Cemetery has been reached. Members will vote on the deal June 21. For now, the cemetery will still remain closed for Father’s Day on Sunday.
The Quebec Labour Minister, Jean Boulet, tweeting: “Excellent development at Notre-Dame-des-Neiges Cemetery. The parties have agreed to favour the recommendation of the #MTRAV Chief Conciliator. Congratulations to the parties! There will be a vote of the members of the trade union party affiliated with the @laCSN.
Notre-Dame-des-Neiges Cemetery will remain closed for Father’s Day – on Sunday.
It’s been closed since January amid a labour dispute, but had been opened for Mother’s Day.
Large lineups formed at the only open entrance and people squeezed through fences around the cemetery on May 14 – causing chaos and making it difficult for those grieving loved ones.
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Negotiations with the cemetery’s maintenance and office workers on one side and management on the other, seem to remain at a standstill – leaving frustrated families with no answers as to when Notre-Dame-des-Neiges will reopen.
Pay increases remain a major sticking point in negotiations, as well as back pay and workers’ desire to maintain or increase staffing levels.
Quebec Labour Minister Jean Boulet has said that two mediators have been appointed to help the parties reach a common agreement.
More than 300 bodies are currently in cold storage, waiting to be buried.