Remaining COVID 19 sanitary measures lifted as of Wednesday

QUÉBEC – All measures and directives related to the COVID-19 pandemic in Quebec that were still in effect were lifted as of Wednesday.

The Quebec Health Ministry (MSSS) explains its decision by the improvement in the epidemiological context and the return to normalcy that has begun in recent months. Immunity to the infection has been acquired by the majority of the population, and treatments are now available.

The general requirement to wear a mask in healthcare settings was lifted last April, and as of Wednesday, it will no longer be mandatory in certain specific circumstances, such as being in close contact with someone infected with COVID-19. From now on, facilities will be able to determine which situations require it, based on recommendations from the Institut national de santé publique (INSPQ).


In all care environments, including residential and long-term care centers (CHSLD), the duration of isolation for users with close contact has been reduced to five days.

The most recent data on the evolution of COVID-19 for the week of July 9 to 15 in Quebec, show 626 new cases and one new death. Since the start of the pandemic in 2020, COVID-19 has claimed the lives of 18,011 people in Quebec.

The Health Ministry believes that the lifting of all guidelines is consistent with the publication of several INSPQ notices containing updated recommendations.

However, health authorities insist that the complete lifting of directives does not mean that the virus is no longer circulating. In fact, the fall vaccination campaign against COVID-19 and seasonal flu is currently being prepared. The Ministry is awaiting the recommendations of the Quebec Immunization Committee.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published in French on July 19, 2023.