Quebec FIQ and FAE unions still on strike; common front members back at work

Posted November 24, 2023 8:38 am.
Last Updated November 24, 2023 8:45 am.
The FIQ and FAE strikes continued on Friday, while the three-day common front strike ended.
The Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé (FIQ), which represents 80,000 nurses, nursing assistants and other healthcare professionals, is striking on Thursday and Friday, affecting the vast majority of healthcare establishments.
The Fédération autonome de l’enseignement (FAE), which represents 66,000 elementary and high school teachers, began an unlimited walkout on Thursday.
As for the 420,000 members of the Common Front, made up of the CSQ, FTQ, CSN and APTS, its three-day walkout ended on Thursday evening. These union members are back at work on Friday.
Negotiations for the renewal of collective agreements continue with the Quebec government. On Thursday, Premier François Legault said he was prepared to improve his offer if the unions concerned demonstrated more “flexibility”.
The four member organizations of the common front are due to meet on Sunday to take stock of the negotiations and decide on the continuation of their strike mandate. The common front has an unlimited strike mandate, but has only carried out one-day and then three-day strikes to date.
This report by The Canadian Press was first published in French on Nov. 24, 2023.