Deep and meaningful journey: Montrealer breaks record for underwater photoshoot

“My miracle happened,” says Kim Bruneau on getting pregnant after navigating rough waters which led her to discover underwater modeling. She then broke a record for the deepest underwater model photoshoot. Pamela Pagano reports.

It was a deep and meaningful year for Montrealer, Kim Bruneau.

The journey that led her to breaking the Guinness World Record for the deepest underwater model photoshoot — was just as breathtaking as the photos she took at 130 feet in the West Atlantic Ocean.

“You feel like you’re part of the animals,” explained Bruneau, describing the beauty of underwater photography. “It feels like you’re part with the fish and the rays and the dolphins and the jacks.”

“I thought it was very artistic and it was calming,” she added. “It’s the only way that I could relax in my fertility treatments.”

Montrealer, Kim Bruneau, poses with sharks in the ocean off the coast of the Bahamas. (Credit: Pia Oyarzun)

Her pregnancy journey is what led her to discover her passion for the underwater world.

After unsuccessful fertility treatments in Canada, she made her way to Mexico then Florida — seeking other solutions.

“I said while I’m there I’m going to pursue my studies and become a master diver,” she explained. “And since it’s the shark capital of the world, why not become a shark conservationist?”

“Instagram was pushing me with the algorithms more diving stuff,” said Bruneau. “I discovered underwater photography.”

This is how she met talented photographer, Pia Oyarzun.

“I said ‘you want to meet up? When I’m not at the clinic, I’d love to try’,” explained Bruneau. “It was an instant hit.”

Record breaking underwater photoshoot on Dec. 5, 2023. (Credit: Pia Oyarzun)

Submerging herself was a way to relieve stress after a miscarriage in Florida and further fertility treatments — which kept her away from home for months.

“Then I finally got pregnant,” she said smiling. “My miracle happened.”

A gift from the ocean — Ella Rose, born in January 2023.

Kim Bruneau and her miracle, Ella Rose. (Credit: Kim Bruneau)

After announcing her pregnancy through a stunning photoshoot with Oyarzun in the Bahamas, Bruneau hadn’t dived in a year and a half after the birth of her baby girl.

“I thought I was hanging my fins for good that way,” she said. “Until somebody sent me the record.”

“Everything in life is about choices and opportunity and just going ahead,” she said. “So, I did.”

Photographer Pia Oyarzun captured photos of Kim Bruneau pregnant with Ella Rose while underwater in the Bahamas. (Credit: Pia Oyarzun)

The previous record holders – went down 98 feet in the Georgian Bay and Lake Huron in Ontario, Canada in Sept. 2023.

But on Dec. 5, Bruneau broke the record – modelling at 130 feet in the Bahamas.

“On that day when we woke up,” she explained. “The ocean was the nicest I’ve ever seen it.”

Montrealer, Kim Bruneau, 40 metres underwater in the Bahamas – breaking the Guinness World Record on Dec. 5, 2023. (Credit: Pia Oyarzun)

During Bruneau’s CityNews interview at the Leonardo DaVinci Centre pool in St-Leonard, she demonstrated techniques on how to pose underwater.

“First you want to practice with a mask,” she explained. “The mask is going to help you see underwater.”

When capturing photos in the ocean, she’s assisted by a security diver — providing her air when needed.

“In the ocean we have air tanks, we have security divers, everybody is certified,” said Bruno, warning readers to not attempt this at home. “You cannot try this alone, I can’t stress this enough.”

Kim Bruneau shows CityNews reporter, Pamela Pagano, underwater modeling techniques. (Credit: Karine Delage/Karyzma Agency)

“For us when we do photo shoots,” explained Bruneau. “We have a belt which we attach weight to that keep us down.”

When posing in the ocean, Bruneau removes her mask and holds her breath for a few minutes between each shot taken underwater.

Kim Bruneau posing underwater at the Leonardo DaVinci Centre pool in Montreal’s Saint Leonard (Credit: Pamela Pagano/CityNews)

The 38-year-old model and entrepreneur says that merely two years ago, she hadn’t even snorkeled before.

“It’s only a failure if you stop,” she said. “Otherwise it’s just a step towards success.”

Saying farewell to 2023 with a world record and her precious Ella Rose, a happy ending after navigating rough waters.

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