Héma-Québec calls for blood donations: type O+ and O- needed

By The Canadian Press

Héma-Québec is calling for blood donations from people with O-positive and O-negative blood types.

“Blood donations are often down during the holiday season, while demand for blood from hospitals is up. Though Héma‑Québec has a solid blood supply overall, the need for donations from these two blood types has grown in the last few days, as many potential donors have cancelled their appointments due to the weather,” they said in a press release on Thursday morning.

The agency explains that the holiday season is often challenging for the blood supply bank as more people flock to hospital ERs.

Héma-Québec says its blood reserve is adequate, but it needs to boost its bank for groups O-positive and O-negative.

This comes as many people cancel their donation appointments due to the stormy weather over the past few days.

Héma-Québec asks that any donors who cannot keep their appointments take the time to cancel them to free up the time slots for others.

The agency says it will be as flexible as possible for donors from the two target blood groups who show up without an appointment at a centre or blood drive.

Appointments can be made online or by calling 1-800-343-7264 (SANG).

Before visiting a blood drive, check your eligibility by contacting Donor Services at 1-800-847-2525, or by visiting the Héma-Québec website.

-This report by The Canadian Press was first published in French and translated by CityNews.

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