Montreal Comiccon in full swing with vibrant cosplay

“I'm always amazed,” said a cosplayer at the 14th edition of Montreal Comiccon, about seeing what costumes others have created for the convention. The pop culture convention is taking place until July 7 at Palais des Congrès. Adriana Gentile reports.

Fans crowded Palais des Congrès on Saturday for day two of the 14th edition of Montreal’s Comiccon.

The multi-genre pop culture convention showcases the entertainment universe, with everything from comic books, to sci-fi, horror, anime, toys, movies, and video games.

“We have a huge guest list, we have a lot of people that come. But the thing to me that stands out as far as the guest list is the cosplayers,” said Comiccon spokesperson, Jason Rockman. “They’re not necessarily guests, but they’re the stars of the show.”

Cosplayers showed up in large numbers, unleashing their creativity, and dressing to impress. They would spend several weeks, even months, carefully crafting their masterpieces for the big event. 

A cosplayer at Montreal Comiccon who took 150 hours creating their costume for the convention. (Emma Megelas, CityNews Image)

“I really like to come and show my work that I’ve been doing. I’ve been working on this since September last year. And I’ve put about 150 hours of work into it,” one cosplayer told CityNews.

From Deadpool, Mario and Luigi, Star Wars, Batman and Robin, to Slash, fans put their hearts and souls into their costumes, uplifting everyone’s creative charm.

People dressed up in colorful costumes.
Fans dressed in their best furries at the 14th edition of Montreal Comiccon on July 6, 2024. (Emma Megelas, CityNews Image)

Here’s what other cosplayers had to say:

“I like to see all the people with their cosplay, to see what they created by themselves, or how they put their outfit together. I’m always amazed by that, and it’s a wonderful thing.”

“I’ve always liked cosplay, I like dressing up, I love Halloween, I love costumes. Now I’m indoctrinating him [my son] into liking it as well, and my wife was the first one to bring me to Comiccon, so it’s kind of become like a family tradition and it’s just fun.”

“The colour, the magic, the fun, and you kind of get to be yourself, right? So no one judges you for loving Disney or for loving comics or for loving anything. Everyone here is here with the same heart.”

Join in on the fun, and stop by. Comiccon draws to an end on Sunday.

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