Fixing Canada: How to create a more just immigration system? 

By Analysis by The Big Story podcast

You’ve probably heard — from politicians, experts or even just friends and family — that “Canada is broken.” Everyone can draw their own conclusions about that, but there’s no denying some key aspects of the country aren’t working well for many of us. And complaining about that is easy, it’s fixing it that’s the tough part. This week, The Big Story is trying to do that with Fixing Canada — a five-part series featuring deep dives into five issues that touch every Canadian, looking to experts to diagnose the problem — but most importantly, to prescribe the cure.


In today’s The Big Story podcast, for part three of our series, we’re talking about immigration. An issue as politically charged as it is a problem that needs solving. You can be as far left or right as you like and still think our approach to immigration is seriously flawed.

Rupa Banerjee is an associate professor at Toronto Metropolitan University and the Canada Research Chair in Economic Inclusion, Employment and Entrepreneurship of Canada’s Immigrants. “Lowering immigration targets alone is not a panacea for Canada’s challenges. And immigrants are indeed critical to Canada’s success. They always have been,” said Banerjee. 

So what we need to do somehow, is find a way to thread the needle. And there are ways to do that if we want to get serious about it.

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