Future of church in jeopardy due to new bike lane: residents

Some NDG residents are raising concerns over a new bike path that was installed in the borough.

They believe it might lead to the demise of Saint Monica’s Church.

Not all the members raising the concerns are Catholic or members of the parish, however they all believe the church is a major community institution and that its future is at stake.


Church Warden Paul Wong previously warned that the bike path prevented funerals and weddings at the venue, while also noting that it has caused a 30 per cent decrease in attendance.

“We are heartbroken that despite our public plea for help, weeks have gone by without the borough contacting us to seek accommodation. Our future is truly at stake,” said Wong.

Saint Monica’s Church. (Martin Daigle, CityNews)

It is believed the church will lose around $60,000 to $80,000 over the next year due to events being cancelled.

“The church can’t afford to lose thousands of dollars a month,” says Natasha Hall, who has agreed to co-chair the residents’ support committee. “Today we are announcing a community fundraiser to help Saint Monica’s and to raise public awareness so that the elected officials finally understand that NDGers want the borough to accommodate the church’s reasonable requests.”


Marvin Rotrand, a former city councillor and the other co-chair of the support committee, added: “The church had requested that it be allowed temporary parking for weddings and funerals, obliging cyclists to walk their bikes for 100 metres around event parking, but that simple solution was refused by the borough.”