More blood donations needed during summer holidays: Héma Québec

Héma-Québec says it needs more blood donations because of the higher needs of hospitals during the summer vacation period.
The agency announced Tuesday it will have to collect 500 more weekly donations over the next few weeks. The needs concern all blood groups, more particularly the O positive and O negative groups.
According to Héma Québec, the summer often slows down appointments for donations, but the need for blood remains crucial 365 days a year.
The organization points out that making an appointment is the best way to properly plan a blood donation, but it also claims to be flexible for donors who come without an appointment.
People who have made an appointment but cannot make it are asked to cancel it in order to leave the time slots available for other donors.
In addition to holding blood clinics, Héma-Québec also conducts collections of plasma, stem cells, human tissues and breast milk.
—This report by La Presse Canadienne was translated by CityNews