Quebec study suggests methods to reduce mistreatment in private senior’s residences

Posted April 22, 2024 1:28 pm.
A new study from the Université de Sherbrooke is recommending the creation of independent committees for Private Senior’s Residences also known as RPAs in the province – an effort to reduce mistreatment.
The study was conducted by researcher Mélanie Couture, Chairholder of the Research Chair on Mistreatment of Older Adults of the Université de Sherbrooke, after receiving information in 2017 regarding experiences from PSR residents.
In 2018, the Comité droits des aîné(e)s was created and began the research study which ended up highlighting testimonies of those living in RPAs that indicated mistreatment from managers and employees.
“Our review of scientific literature throughout the world has demonstrated an obvious lack of data on mistreatment events though we hear about various cases from practitioners and in the media. It is crucial to understand the complex dynamics underlying these situations and to act accordingly to guarantee a safe and respectful environment for older adults, that deserve our respect and our protection,“ said Couture.
The study found that mistreatment takes place through inadequate care, unmet engagements, the non-recognition of the residents’ needs as well as reprisals from managers when they dare to complain.
It also noted that a number of residences have leases that contain one or more illegal and/or non-conform clauses, while others fail to adhere to standards of care despite reminders from CISSS or CIUSSS.
“Mistreatment of older adults in private seniors’ residences is unacceptable and requires immediate actions. We are determined to make sure that the residents’ voices are heard and to work for their safety and their well-being,” said Marco Monzon, of the Comité droits des aîné(e)s en résidences privées de l’Agglomération de Longueuil.
“The Comité droits des aîné(e)s en résidences privées de l’Agglomération de Longueuil calls for a concerted action from the authorities, the support organizations and society as a whole.”
On top of the independent committees, Couture is also recommending proper funding for other types of housing for older adults.