MUHC Foundation staff helping patients & families experience merrier holidays
Montrealer Alfred McLean received a mechanical heart at the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) and for a second year, he is also receiving this: holiday baskets filled by the MUHC Foundation staff.
The team hopes to make the holidays merrier for 27 families referred to them through social services at the Lachine and MUHC hospitals.
“It means a lot,” said McLean. “Especially with social services.”
“If it wasn’t for them, I wouldn’t have much.”
After experiencing a heart attack in 2010, McLean underwent triple bypass surgery and eventually received a left ventricular assist device — helping pump blood from the lower chambers of his heart to his body.
“We are delighted to see the success that we’ve been able to achieve with Mr. McLean,” said Dr. Renzo Cecere, Cardiac Surgeon at the MUHC. “And many other patients like him.”
This holiday season, a heartfelt one for McLean, a first in a while that he’s not spending in hospital.
And these baskets – filled with food, gift cards and more — will help.
“This is our moment for us to be generous,” explained Marie-Hélène Laramée, President & CEO of the MUHC Foundation. “Everything in the basket has actually been purchased, provided for by the employees at the foundation.”
“Initiatives like this through the foundation are incredibly important,” said Toni Lemieux, Social Worker from the Royal Victoria Hospital. “Without it we wouldn’t have the means to help the families and patients in this way.”
More than $3,000 was raised among the staff — and over 15 giant bags of clothing are also ready to be distributed.
As for McLean, he thanks the foundation and social services with all his heart.
“Without them, I wouldn’t have a Christmas,” he said. “They’re giving me my Christmas.”