Quebec not foreseeing reintroducing mask mandate, despite rise in COVID-19 hospitalizations

“It might be a tough ride, but it's feasible,” says Quebec public health director Dr. Luc Boileau, on overcoming the new Omicron subvariants that have caused cases to spike in the province. Brittany Henriques reports.

Quebec is not anticipating having to reintroduce its recently scrapped mask mandate, despite a rise in COVID-19 hospitalizations.

Though Quebec’s public health director, Dr. Luc Boileau, says health officials are keeping an eye on the evolving epidemiological situation.

The latest data reported by Quebec’s health department showed 1,260 patients in hospital due to the virus, up by 34 compared to the previous day. That includes 35 in intensive care.

There were four additional deaths in the last 24 hours.

At a press conference Wednesday, Boileau predicted the rise in cases and hospitalizations would continue for another few days or weeks.

He says the province is seeing more subvariants that are more transmissible. More than 75 per cent of all the active cases are linked to BA.4 and BA.5 subvariants.

Quebec’s ‘fragile’ hospital network

Boileau called the situation in the province’s health network “worrisome.” There are 6,285 health-care workers absent due to COVID-related reasons. On top of that, Boileau says the system is fragile with health workers on vacation.

Boileau says Quebecers should enjoy the summer while being conscious of the situation: that the virus is still circulating.

While not imposing the use of the facemask, the province’s public health director is recommending people wear it while in group settings. He also urged Quebecers to keep applying health measure like physical distancing and hand washing.

Boileau was joined by Dr. Jean Longtin, a microbiologist with the Quebec Health Ministry, for Wednesday’s press conference.

Longtin said a mask mandate won’t be reintroduced right now in part because infections and re-infections are not as severe. But he says it’s important to keep immunocompromised, chronically ill, seniors and unvaccinated Quebecers safe.

Longtin says the lifting of health restrictions is allowing the virus to circulate freely – not just in Quebec but around the world.

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